Thursday, December 27, 2012

Candy Cane Vodka

I got the idea for this on Pinterest, and I realized that peppermint goes with some many other flavors! You could use regular vodka, vanilla vodka, chocolate vodka...the possibilities are endless.  I used vanilla vodka and was very pleased with the results.  I also gave the vodka away for Christmas.  If you've got some candy canes leftover, go for it!

  • 1 mason jar
  • 2c vodka (I used vanilla)
  • 10 mini candy canes
  1. Take a mason jar and fill it with 2c of vodka.  Add 10 mini candy canes.
  2. Pop it in the fridge and leave it in there for a day or so, until the candy canes have dissolved.  Whenever you open the fridge, give the vodka a swirl to help the candy canes dissolve.
  3. Pour it into pretty containers and gift to your friends.

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